(as agreed at 4th September 2012 meeting)
The Energy Intensive Users Group represents the interests of intensive industrial energy consumers. Its objective is to achieve competitive, sustainable and secure energy for British industry. We need stable and consistent policies that allow sustained investment in UK manufacturing.
We need a consistent, long-term energy policy as part of UK industrial policy
- Taking into account energy intensive users in UK, EU and global contexts
- Proactive industrial policy, promoting the benefits of energy intensive users
- Delivery of stable, long-term investment environment
- Balance between economic and environmental objectives
- Consistency of policy across government departments
?We need secure, competitively priced industrial energy supplies
- Diverse mix of fuels that encourages balanced generation, including coal, gas, renewables and nuclear, delivered through a competitive market
- Promotion of unconventional and new energy sources
- Minimising and transparently assessing the cumulative direct and indirect impact of climate policies on industrial energy supplies
- Option of long term pricing certainty
- Ensuring physical security of imported energy supplies (e.g. gas storage)
We need internationally competitive energy and climate policies
- Support long term objective of competitive, low carbon economy
- Ensure energy policy promotes competition at UK, EU and global level
- Encourage development of reliable, competitive low carbon energy
- Recognise potential for energy efficiency and on-site energy production
We will achieve our aims by developing proactive engagement with stakeholders
- Own Members; other trade associations; consumer organisations; IFIEC Europe; Trade Unions
- UK government and opposition parties, European Political groups
- The Energy Industry
- Regulators in the UK and Europe.