London, 8 September 2022 – EIUG welcomes the energy price guarantee for business and the temporary suspension of the green levies, but would like to see the underpinning detail of them quickly.
The Energy Intensive Users Group welcomes the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) for business, providing some breathing space for industry whilst the government considers longer term measures. Consideration of what support may be necessary after six months must include energy intensive industries who would be put at a significant competitive disadvantage internationally if energy prices defaulted back their escalated levels. It is vital we now seem more detail of how guarantee will work in practice, especially for energy intensive industries.
The EIUG also welcomes the temporary suspension of green levies, though it is of the view that these levies should be moved to direct Government funding on a permanent basis.
Finally, the EIUG is looking forward to participating in the reviews of energy regulation and Net Zero and the Chancellor’s financial statement later this month.
Dave Dalton – chair of the EIUG – said “This is a timely intervention from Government for those energy intensive industries facing daunting energy price increases in the winter. As various European Government have already announced support for energy consumers, including for their energy intensive industries, to reduce energy costs, it is crucial that the UK Government matches its support to ensure a level-playing field”.